Have kicked off the New Year with some great sessions for producer/songwriter Jon Kelly, keyboard player/songwriter Matt Johnson (Jamiroquai) and have recorded vocals on a new meditation album by guitarist Tim Stone.
Also recorded guest vocals on a track for the forthcoming album by Jazz Fusion Mobo award nominees Usonic.
Started writing a new album with a distinctly Brazilian feel with Neil Williams and Miles Bould – also featuring Adam Goldsmith and Martin Okasili.
Pre-Christmas I wrote and recorded a song to raise money for an incredibly worthwhile charity Grove House Hospice in St. Albans, featuring performances by Michael Scherchen, Joe Cang, Gil Cang, Steve Haworth and Derek Nash. Please help support Grove House by buying the single from iTunes here.
HTC used my song “Clean Sheets” for a presentation and Oxygen’s TV show ‘Bachelorette Party: Las Vegas’ used my songs “Hot”, “Bye Bye Baby” and “I Can’t Wait”.
“Bye Bye Baby” was also used in the ‘Audition’ videogame and “Hot” was used in the new ‘Vampire Diaries’ promo.
And finally….very excited to report that I’ve written the theme tune to Channel 5’s new show ‘Holiday Heaven On Earth‘ and they’ve also used about 40 of my songs for background cues 🙂